Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My portfolio, the 5 pictures

 This picture was taken in Japan last year during the December holidays. This was taken while visiting Kiyomizu temple in Kyoto. It was on a hill... to me, this picture shows the contrast of the city and the old temple. It is also my favourite place for scenery shots... except there was lesser colour than the previous time I went there... but still...

This picture was also taken in Japan during the December holidays but this time, in Ueno park. I call this Hidden Beauty because there beautiful...I think... flower under all the caterpillar eaten leaves.
This was taken in Japan also last year during the December holidays. It was taken in the area surrounding the Sensoji Kaminarimon temple. 3 years ago, my father took a similar picture at the same place, so when we came back here, I decided to try and 'remake' the picture and it turned out better than before.

This was also taken in Japan during the December holidays last year in Ueno park again. I call this Being Unique because in all the green bushes, there is one unique red bush. Ignore the old uncle with the bicycle.

This was also taken in Japan last year during the December holidays. This was also taken around Kiyomizu temple in Kyoto. The main focus is on the maple leaves. The picture could have been better if I had applied the rule of third though...