Thursday, August 26, 2010

YOG Canoe-Kayaking event

On the 22nd of August, Sunday,17 students from our school went to watch the canoe-kayaking YOG event. Before we went, we were given some things like clappers, flags and this YOG EZ-link card. Everyone was excited to go. Although we missed a little of the event because we were late we still got to watch most of the event. We were watching the quater-finals, semi-finals and finals for both men and women. All the spectetors cheered wildly when the name of the competitor and his or her country was announced. There was this one competitor who was in the lead but then his canoe sank but everybody still cheered for that unfortunate competitor.For the women kayaking bronze medal race, Belgium won and managed to get the bronze medal. And for the finals, China got 2nd and Hungary was able to live up to its name and get first.
For the men's canoeing,When was the finals, everyone cheered wildly and the two competitors peddled hard to try to get the gold medal. In the end, Mexico got 3rd place, Ukraine got 2nd place and Cuba got 1st place.
And for Kayaking, Spain managed to clinch on to 3rd place, Germany got 2nd place and yet again Hungary lives up to its name and got the gold medal.All in all,everyone enjoyed watching the event and had fun too.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

YOG village tour

On the 19th of August,1e1,got a rare chance to go to the YOV(youth olympic village).Before going on this trip,everyone one was very excited to go.The teachers that went with the class were Mr Azuan Tan and Miss Fardiyana.The bus ride to the YOV at NTU(nanyang technological university) was a long one,it even rained.When we reached the YOV, we realised that we were not the only school having this tour.We had to wait a while before entering the place as we had to wait for the other schools to get pass the security checks before it was our turn.But during the wait,our tour guides decided to play a game with us and the losers had to do the 'sorry' dance as forfeit.
Fortunately we didn't have to wait long.But ther had to be a change to our timetable because it was raining and the lightning risk alert was on so instead of having this activity called Discovery Activity,it was changed to us going to the Olympic Gallery.
In the Olympic Gallery,it showed displays of the different olympic torches. Some examples of the six torches are the one from Sydney,Seoul,Munich,Singpore,etc.There were also some information on the olympics there too.We also saw some athletes looking at the displays too.
Our next activity was to fold an Origami. There are three shapes to fold, the star, heart and crane.The star represents exellence, the heart represents respect and the crane represent friendship. Our class had to fold the crane, the hardest thing to fold of the three. We were supposed to fold the Origami because after folding,we had to stick it on a structure.
The last thing that we did was to look at the booths that the secondary school students set up according to the country that their school supports.Since that day was the last day that the theme was Africa,all the booyhs there were all the African country booths like Benin, Egypt, Ethiopia,Tanzania and many more. Some of the students did so activities that the booth had installed.
But we could not send much time there as we had to leave and everyone was relunctant to leave.If there was another chance to go the YOV again,I think we would be more than happy to go again .

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The History of the Olympics

The very first Olympic games were held in Athens, Greece in 776B.C . During then, the Olympics was held during the festival to honor the Greek gods. The Olympics was called an Olympiad in Greece. During then , there was only one sport which was sprinting . Then , they added the Pentathlon . There was Discus , Javelin, jumping , running , etc . Then they also included Equestrian sports like Chariot Racing , etc. Now , there are many more Olympic games than before like Judo, Soft ball, Table tennis and many more. The last Olympics was held in Beijing in 2008 and the next one would be held in London in 2012. Apart from the regular Olympics , there is also the winter Olympics and the youth Olympics which would be held in Singapore in 2010 .

Origins of the YOG

The very first Youth Olympic Games or the most commonly called YOG, will be held in Singapore in 2010 from the 14 of August to the 26 of August. In the games there will be 3600 participants aged 14 -18 from all over the world taking part in the games. When voting for the venue for the YOG, Singapore beat Moscow, Russia 53-44

A Wednesday Afternoon in East Spring Secondary School

Today,we went out during CCA to get some Interviews from some students about that CCA .
CCA: AVA club
Interviewee:Sean from 2E1
What are you doing ?
Testing the equipment in the gallery.
When does your CCA start?
It starts from 3.30pm to 5 or 6 pm
What do you normally do?
We usually test every visualizer in each class to see if there is any problem with it .nd sometimes play some games .
What do you like about your CCA?
I like finding out about different wires and other things .
What if there is no AVA club?
There would be no visualizers in class .
Thank for your time

We also Interviewed two netball players .
CCA: netball
Interviewee:Jin Ting from 2E1
What do you learn during CCA?
We learn how to tiptoe and flick your hand to guide the ball into the net .
How long is your CCA?
It is 3hours long .
What day is your CCA on?
On Wednesday and Friday.
Do you like training?Why?
Yes,because every week we do different things .
What if there was no netball?
I would join other sports CCA like Floorball or Badminton and if there was basketball for girls , that would be my first choice .
Thank you

This is the other netballer we interviewed
CCA : netball
Interviewee : Farzana from 5N1
How long have you joined netball?
I have joined netball from sec 1 to sec 5
What are some of your achivements?
We came in 4th this year in the east zone match . But we did not make it to the semi-finals last year.
What about your training?
The training is tough but it is all worth it.
How long is your CCA?
It is 3 hours long.
Do you regret joining this CCA?
No,I have no regrets.
thank you

So all these students all work hard and perservre even though all the training is tough especially the netballers who have tough training but they still perservre on and have no regrets joining their CCA.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

charity bazaar

On Monday , the cancer foundation for children held a charity bazaar at 2.30 after school . There were so many students there and they all seem to be enjoying themselves . The store holders were all busy attending to their customers . Some of the stores sold bubble tea , some sold ice pops and there was even one stall with the store holders wearing power ranger masks. everybody enjoyed themselves during the charity bazzaar and I think that everyone would want to have it again if there is a chance to have it .

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


                                                           Climate change

For climate change, it has many effects on the earth. Either it is very, very, very hot, or very wet-as in rain a lot. The picture above shows a forest fire. So in this case, it was very hot when the fire started, obviously. Because of climate change, this happen . When it is very hot, the heat dries up the leaves and it becomes so dry that it becomes like tinder , which is easily ignited . So when the heat of the sun kind of ignites the dry leaves , it causes the fire .