Saturday, August 21, 2010

YOG village tour

On the 19th of August,1e1,got a rare chance to go to the YOV(youth olympic village).Before going on this trip,everyone one was very excited to go.The teachers that went with the class were Mr Azuan Tan and Miss Fardiyana.The bus ride to the YOV at NTU(nanyang technological university) was a long one,it even rained.When we reached the YOV, we realised that we were not the only school having this tour.We had to wait a while before entering the place as we had to wait for the other schools to get pass the security checks before it was our turn.But during the wait,our tour guides decided to play a game with us and the losers had to do the 'sorry' dance as forfeit.
Fortunately we didn't have to wait long.But ther had to be a change to our timetable because it was raining and the lightning risk alert was on so instead of having this activity called Discovery Activity,it was changed to us going to the Olympic Gallery.
In the Olympic Gallery,it showed displays of the different olympic torches. Some examples of the six torches are the one from Sydney,Seoul,Munich,Singpore,etc.There were also some information on the olympics there too.We also saw some athletes looking at the displays too.
Our next activity was to fold an Origami. There are three shapes to fold, the star, heart and crane.The star represents exellence, the heart represents respect and the crane represent friendship. Our class had to fold the crane, the hardest thing to fold of the three. We were supposed to fold the Origami because after folding,we had to stick it on a structure.
The last thing that we did was to look at the booths that the secondary school students set up according to the country that their school supports.Since that day was the last day that the theme was Africa,all the booyhs there were all the African country booths like Benin, Egypt, Ethiopia,Tanzania and many more. Some of the students did so activities that the booth had installed.
But we could not send much time there as we had to leave and everyone was relunctant to leave.If there was another chance to go the YOV again,I think we would be more than happy to go again .

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