Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Racial Harmony day

Racial Harmony day, a day to remember the racial riots in 1964, a year before Singapore's independence. Racial Harmony means that the four or more different ethnic groups, Chinese, Malay, Indian, etc, living together as one in peace and harmony without the need of racial disputes and riots.

So far in school, the activities that have been going on this Racial Harmony week are the recital of the national pledge in Chinee, Malay and english on altenate days. Since there might be some difficulty in reciting the pledge in a different language, a little piece of paper with the pledge written on it in Malay and chinese were given to the students a week before the Racial Harmony week. On Thursday, the students are allowed to wear their different ethnic costumes to school and the class with the most number of pupils wearing the costumes get a prize. On that same day, the Sec 2s would be holding a Charity Bazaar to raise funds for the Community chest.

Overall, I think that Racial Harmony means alot because without it, and at the same time having many different races living together, would have a disastrous effect. Chaos, riots, etc, would happen over racist comments and such. So Racial Harmony is important to maintain the peace in a multi racial community.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

5 pictures or 6

                                                  Mission, code name: F.O.O.D.

      Caption: Alpha Sparrow 6 team captain: You there, scout ahead for some food. And you, the one at the back, make sure no cats come to jeopardise our mission. Okay, everybody move out. I want to be home for preening.

Title: The vain cat.
Caption: The cat was in the middle of cleaning itself... I do not think it wants to look in the camera yet, not just yet.

Title: On Your Mark

Caption: Place your bets soon, the race is about to start, be sure you have enough time to watch the whole race because it might take a while.

Title:  I Lost?! Or did I....

Caption: Startled expression on his face, after a game of checkers, win or lose, it's up to you.

Title: Outcast

Caption: I've seen racist people, but I didn't know fruits were racist too.

Title: What is that?!

Caption: It is a crow? It is a dragon? Or is it just a plane coming at me?

Monday, July 11, 2011


On Saturday, the 29th of May, a Parent-Teacher-Dialogue, or the PTD, was held in school from about 8am to 2pm. The Parent-Teacher-Dialogue is where the Form teachers and Form tutors of each class get to meet the students' parents and give feedback and comments on the students. Early that morning, parents had already started coming in. They were being ushered in by the student leaders to the hall or the classrooms for the dialogue with the teachers.

Other than that, there were a few booths in the foryer featuring Temasek Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic and the ITE. The representatives from each of those colleges gave out some handouts and brocheres for the parents to take back with them.

There were also some talks held in the AVA room. For example, the Secondary 2 streaming talk held in the morning from 9am to 10am, and later in the morning at 11am to 12 noon. The talk allows the parents attending the talk to know more about the streaming and the choices that the students have.

Overall, it was a rather eventful day and the Parent-Teacher-Dialogue was a success.